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Traditional Artisan Pizza

Master Dough Recipe


1 3/4's Cups of Lukewarm Water

1/2 Tablespoon Granulated Yeast

1 Tablespoon of Kosher Salt

3 3/4's Cups of All-Purpose Flour (scoop & sweep)

In a 5 quart mixing bowl with the Lukewarm water. You can use cold water but it does take longer for the dough to rise (keep in mind).

Add yeast and salt, you don't need to worry about them dissolving in the water.

Using the scoop and sweep method add the flour, and mix with a wooden spoon.

Mix till all the flour is incorporated with the water or till no dry patches remain.


Cover the container with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel

Set aside and let the dough rise for two hours or until it begins to flatten at the top.

You now officially have homemade pizza dough! Yes, it's that easy!

Making the Pizza

1 can of Pizza Sauce of your Choice

Lots of Mozzarella Cheese (or any other kind you like on your pizza)

Basil & Oregano

Olive Oil

Any other Toppings you want (we don't judge)!

If you don't want to use the dough right away you can refrigerate the dough up to 14 days.

Pre-heat the oven to 450F (232C)

The next stages can vary based on how you like your pizza. You can either make a pizza from the current dough you have or you can cut it in half to make two pizzas. We personally like to take the dough and separate it into two pies for a thinner crispier crust.

Roll out the dough on a well floured surface. You can use a rolling pin or we like to do hand tossed which takes a bit more time to shape out but it's fun to toss around.

Place the rolled out dough onto a pizza pan or a cookie sheet to bake on in the oven.

Taking your favorite pizza sauce (we like to use Pastorelli's from Target) spread the sauce around the center.

Add cheese and toppings of your choice.

We then like to cap ours off with a dusting of basil and oregano

Taking the olive oil lightly pour over the crust.

Place into the oven for 15-20 mins.

Cool for 5 mins to let the pizza set.



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