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The Taz


For those cartoon connoisseur's this is in reference to the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Toons. When we first brought Arwen and Bjorn home we had never owned a husky as we have mentioned before. We found that each had different personalities and tempers. Bjorn is very relaxed and stays calm except when left alone. His temper is very odd for a Husky! Ari is high strung and created many issues which is very typical. This is why her nickname became the Taz. Just like the cartoon she would run circles around the house destroying things in her path. This applied to everything she was involved in. If you need more proof we recommend watching Togo. It sums up Husky puppies perfectly! She would pick fights with Bjorn for no reason (dropping toys on his head while sleeping), chew on anything (the walls in the house) and even be difficult on walks. Going to sleep was even interesting. She would pull cloths off hangers in the closet then shred them, run laps around the room and chew on the walls or dresser just to mention a few things. One very tearful exhausted night of wrestling the Taz down in bed she passed out. She decided sleep would help her daytime activities and started to sleep through the night slowly only this came with a catch. When the sun would rise the Taz was up! This meant at times 4:30am running laps around the room and pouncing on the bed. She also learned slapping her paw across my face would slap me awake. Blackout curtains were promptly purchased and saved an hour of sleep. Yes we have heard of cages and if you know Huskies are excellent escape artists. Ari was no exception and would also drag items into her cage which meant the item wouldn't survive the night if she didn't escape. As time went by the craziness of the Taz has subsided. Just as research on Huskies told us she has slowly calmed

down and listened more. This was done over time and bonding with her. While she has calmed a bit almost hitting four years old she has crazy Taz moments. Not all are bad which brings us to posts her crazy adventures! Once a month on Tuesdays we will update you on the Taz moments that have happened. Now that she is older the moments have left us crying with laughter and wonder at times what in the world she was thinking. Until the next Taz update!


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