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The History of Western Philosophy

Don't Know Much About Philosophy...

This is not a read for the light reader so be warned! We have claimed to love history and this might give us some back up on our claim. Lord Russell first published this book in 1945 and it remains to be unparalleled on the subject of philosophy. We picked this to get a good idea of philosophy through the ages and this proved to be just what we were looking for. Throughout its 76 chapters the book goes over all major philosophers. Russell's forward states he wanted to give a history of philosophy throughout the ages which he is successful at. The book is divided into sections that include Ancient Philosophy, Catholic Philosophy, Modern Philosophy and ends with Rousseau to Present Day. This gives a comprehensive understanding of each philosopher and the impact they made. For as long as this book is, it's incredible given how complex some of the philosophies are that he keeps succinct. It is long and very dry read for those not interested in philosophy. We found it an interesting read that taught us many areas of philosophy we didn't learn about in a normal curriculum. Overall if you are interested in philosophy and history we recommend this. Even if you don't read from front to back their are chapters that give amazing understanding to social and political theories that are discussed everyday. Only reason we don't give this book our full cup of joe rating is it's length.


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