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The French Press

How To French Press that Roast

Inspired by How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, we've decided to get our Andi Anderson on and start a little how to. No we're not getting rid of a man in 10 days (not saying we have ;)) but brewing some delicious coffee. Starting with one of the easiest and budget friendly ways to brew a good batch of joe, the French Press. French press's on Amazon are an easy budget buy, that anyone can purchase and enjoy (as fast as Prime can deliver to your home).

In 1923 Ugo Paolini, an Italian, lodged patent documents relating to a tomato juice separator and he developed the idea of making a coffee pot with a press action and a filter (thanks Wikipedia). Over the years and a "few" modifications later this has become the French Press as we know it today, but how exactly do you use it? Well, we're here to help!

Armed with a kettle (ours is electric), coffee grinds or beans, coffee scope(or spoon) and French Press.

That's all you truly need to really make a good brew.

The Grind

First off starting with the base is coffee grinds. Now the French Press, although can technically be used for all grinds, should be used for courser grinds with the consistency of kosher salt. What if you decided to give a finer coffee the press though? You'll get a bitter brew that might have you rethinking your love of coffee. Cue more methods of brewing to come! However if you french press, a course grind with beautiful roast, you can have fabulous brew in under 5 mins sans boiling your water.

The Scoop

To measure your coffee it's best to grab a good coffee scoop if you already don't have one and Amazon is again a great and easy way to procure one. If you're pressed for time and need coffee asap just measure by tablespoon (sparingly don't heap the scoops). The measurements of water per scoop should be 1 tablespoon per cup of water. Of course as you brew more you'll know how strong or weak you'll want your brews but this is the best measurement to keep in mind.


Does the water really matter? Absolutely. Brewing coffee you're gonna need water to be 205f or 95c. We boil the water in our electric kettle from Smeg and go about brewing our joe but if you want to be more exact you can purchase a kettle with a thermometer for the coffee enthused.


Now with your grinds measured in your press (top off), water boiled what next? Again, at this point you're not gonna have the top on yet that has the filter. You're first going to pour slowly the hot water into the pot in a circular motion to the halfway mark.

Stop your pour and now allow the coffee to bloom and brew for 30 seconds (if you're not sure what blooming coffee means come click here for more info, its important).

Now after 30 seconds pour the hot water till you're almost to the top but leave a small lip of room to place your filter/top on the pot. Whatever you're doing at this point DO NOT press the filter down or put it in your pot already pressed. Let the coffee brew for another 3-5 mins, before then finally pressing the filter down into the pot SLOWLY. It's important to not shove down the press as it will ruin the acidity of your brew and might not effectively filter right.

ENJOY! You've now officially brewed coffee via French Press! We hope you enjoy many brews this way.


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