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Road Tripping

In the times of Covid 19 travel is an odd and dangerous place. In the last decade planes have become a modern necessity and convenience. Road tripping had looked to have seen its heyday in a bygone era is now making a comeback of epic proportions or did it ever truly loose popularity?

We’re avid travelers. Welcoming planes, trains and automobiles here all day everyday. We love jumping on planes and being in other countries, exotic places, or just the other side of the country in hours. Howling the jet engines to a screaming halt in 2017 came two fluffy huskies. At 80 and 65 pounds a piece plane travel become a dream in the past for us as a pet owner knows cargo pet travel is a whole monster of scary and unsafe for a beloved pet.


It’s glorious, beautiful, exciting, and at times a lot cheaper. Until you’re 10+ hours with two dogs, lack of good food and sleep kick in. Traveling with dogs is no easy feet to be brutally honest. Dogs aren’t welcome everywhere, there’s a lot of dog hate and you need to worry about their needs on the trip alone with your own in pit stops and food. So why bother, it’s all worth it exploring with your furry friend in the end! Please see the Huskies section of the site for more information on training and tips with traveling with a dog and our road tips in the next post!


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