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Review: Island Stories

British Story Time

Island Stories

When we said we are huge history book fans, well we meant it. We keep mentioning it right? Europe has so much history, you can get lost in and read forever. So when a book comes along that gives you details, yet keeps moving along quickly we're ones to notice. Specially when its not over 300 pages long! Here's a take on an English history that helps understand the dynamics of Britain and Brexit yet brief.

Looking at the current state of Europe many outsiders are wondering what in the world is going on? Why is Britain looking to leave the EU? Well if you have been reading up on your history and paying attention, this might not be the wonderment but for many its an interesting learning curve that leaves many puzzled. Island Stories covers the past and present dynamics of British Politics covering a historic look on how Brexit came into fashion. It gives four major parts followed by a fifth of present of happenings. We personally love the book and here are the points to why.

First off, the different parts don't go so far deep that you loose sight of what the writer is trying to prove. If you have read a lot of history books this can happen with details and this book keeps moving at a great pace. The reader is informed of the main points leading to the historic events, how they took place and the after affects to shape the politics of what is happening today. Each part goes back and forth from history, present and past to explain the impact of events. Brexit then after reading this novel makes more sense to those who don't know the big picture. Overall we recommend this book to history enthusiast and those who are looking to dapple in the history section!


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