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New You, New Brew?

2022, is the grind worth the pour?

It's the standard new years jargon, new year new you. We've all heard it time and time again. Do most truly change or abide their resolutions? Change is never easy and some goals set are down right impractical for even just trying to accomplish in a year. After being slapped back into a harsh reality of 2021’s shock of human morality, a pandemic, economic fragility and reevaluating everyday life. Do you even want to set any resolutions? I mean we're a coffee blog for heaven's sake... lets lighten this topic and drink some joe!

At Coven we're down with setting goals, aspirations, thinking big and grabbing life by the biggest cup you can find. So what's a coffee blog gonna inspire you to do this year? Lets let the brews talk for themselves

  1. New Brews - We'll start with the obvious for this. Get going and try new coffee. There's thousands and thousands of blends, roasts and possibilities! So why are you still drinking the same brew from last Aug? Does your life look the same, why should your coffee? Get online and order something new. Yes, you that person who walks into Starbucks and the barista's have your coffee ready! Time to live a little! If there's anything this last year taught us, it’s live and try new brews (in all aspects of life, pun's intended).

  2. Variety is the Spice of life - Do you eat the same thing for dinner cooked the same way every night? Didn't think so. So why is your coffee getting the same treatment? Open that spice cabinet and grab the cinnamon and make yourself some Mexican coffee! If you don't have spices, please go purchase yourself some, as spice is needed in all aspects of life including coffee. At the very least attempting a spiced cup is all we're saying it might change your life.

  3. Not all Cups are Meant for You - if you've ever purchased coffee, only to walk out the door and either run into someone or drop your cup? You know this is a horrible way to start the day. Now, at times there's a real MVP of the morning world and a barista will see your distress and remake your cup(shout out to those super coffee hero's! I've met one). However, at times the coffee hero's are too busy or we're too far away to replace our tragic cup. We have to take the loss as it comes, morn the tragedy and move on. Is this a metaphor... YES. Sometimes you gotta realize you gotta take the loss and move on and realize there's plenty of cups of joe in the world. However sad or tragic the loss was, keep the hope up. There's a new morning ahead and a new cup truly meant for you.

  4. Think Outside the Brew - As coffee lovers you have a favorite brew. However, maybe try seeing what else that roaster has to offer? Yes, this sidelines directly with new brews but not as far from home. If you're a huge Death Wish Coffee fan perhaps reach for another one of their roasts and see how it compares? You're branching out but not jumping into cold brew or maybe you should...?

  5. Reach for the Tea - Whoa a coffee blog telling you to try tea? Yes, after we've had a few kettles of coffee. Sometimes you need a cup of tea. Tea's variety and ability warm cold souls goes a long way in dark winter nights. Turning over a new leaf can be life changing.

  6. Travel Mugs, to Go - Get outside. We mean it, if you can safely with the pandemic. There's nothing better than recharging with fresh air. Having a long morning walk with my husky, brew in tow is one of my favorite ways to start my day and his. We both are getting some much needed fresh air, vitamin d and exercise. The health benefits of moving and getting out are way to many to list here but talk to your doctor and get moving!

  7. Same Brew, New Creamer - Who said you can't teach an old brew new tricks? If you've turned over a new leaf why not add a new creamer? Love a certain flavor, step into google's office and start seeing if a creamer is available that might be similar. For example Cinnabon has a creamer! Something we recently learned and who doesn't like cinnamon rolls?

  8. There's More Than One Way to Brew a Cup - Love capsule coffee, so maybe try a french press? Or never try the pour over method? There's many ways to brew a cup and not all are created equal. Branching out can change the way you think of your daily brew or even maybe taste more flavor from it!

  9. Abandon that Cup - if your at a bar and leave your drink it's considered forever gone, you don't go back (ladies all know this rule). How does this pour into coffee? Some times not all cups are good and you need to either throw that cup out or abandon at first will. Lord knows what toxic or bitter grinds might be swirling so don't feel bad at all leaving that cup behind. At times leaving a bad cup behind can refresh your life and leave you feeling like the freshly brewed pot! Who doesn't love freshly brewed coffee?!

  10. Stop and Smell the Grinds - I mean this whole article is puns so we saved the obvious for last. Taking the time to smell the grinds before you brew is one of our favorite ways to start our morning coffee ritual. Nine times out of ten, the smell will tell you if you're gonna love it or not. Taking a min out of your day, breathing in and appreciating something as small as the smell of a coffee grinds can drift into other areas of your life. You'll notice a minute can be life changing and really centering back to what truly matters. Then go forth and drink that delicious cup of joe we all know you deserve.


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