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Lets Talk Coffee

Grahams 318

We mentioned before how we love coffee and we have given background on how our love of coffee started. So why not sit down and discuss coffee while we enjoy a cup or four? First off we haven't met to many people who don't like coffee. There are the tea drinkers of the world. Which we will discuss later! While coffee lovers all over the world share their love of coffee. There is a large amount of discussion on who has the best. While this might inspire coffee debates we won't be taking a definitive side on best coffee but giving our input on what we prefer. It is hard to pick just one type to be frank. While our love of coffee isn't snotty by any means. Here is one of the coffee inspirations that crafted us to were we are today.

The real big question when discussing coffee is going over specialty coffee and commercialized coffee. If you have ever been to a small coffee shop that doesn't have millions of flavors and a few options then you know what we are talking about. Coffee in these shops doesn't come from a capsule and the beans usually are ground up right in front of you. Or even roasted in the back. One of our loves of coffee comes from visiting a small coffee shop like this. The small batches of beans that are roasted versus large batches has opened our eyes to vast world in gourmet coffee that's available. Although we are still learning new facts about coffee process since we aren't experts this has inspired us to try local coffee shops. We can't go further without mentioning a local coffee shop favorite of ours Grahams 318. They are just around the corner from us and offer many other items besides coffee. Their coffee comes in different flavors and seasonal items are available too. Plain or flavor filled we are always stopping in for a cup. From coffee, pastries, and even fondue they not only offer incredible coffee but also amazing place to cozy up by the fire. Back to coffee though, the coffee offered at small shops is simply just that coffee and people who make it love it just as much as those who buy it. The taste is amazing and made us realize coffee is a world in itself that can be amazing to explore. We have been known to take a morning to explore new coffee shops in our area or areas we are traveling in/to. It can also be a fun way to explore and meet new people. Many smaller coffee shops are locally owned and some brew their own batches. This gives unique flavors to each batch the shop makes. While your large brand names might be your go to we suggest giving your local shops a try. Shopping small can give back to the local community you visit or even help make new friends if you are new to the area. We volunteered a view times for campaigns and the local coffee shop was the place to gather! Not to mention many times the shop owner is behind the counter and tell you more about their coffee! Not all local shops will be your idea of great cup of joe but you could find something that brings you back. It could even be other items they offer not just the coffee! We raise our cups to those daring to adventure outside your comfort zone and hope your inspired to try specialty coffee just like us.


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