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Kymbolde Cold Brew

Grab A Cold One

In typical Chicago weather, we have gone from a nice wintery mix one day to humid and hot another. So while we are still trying to decide to turn the air on or not, we have been sipping on icier coffee blends of late. We found ourselves talking about ice coffee and of course, creepy Instagram gave us some ads to help us out. One ad we came across was a cold brew from Rhode Island. Since this happens to be one of our favorite vacation destinations we gave this a shot and here is what we found.

So this cold brew isn't from a well known coffee giant that is the first thing to note. We love supporting brands that are local to areas and small business. It originated by a coffee lover who moved from New York City to Narragansett but couldn't find a cold brew he liked, so he made his own. This cold brew expert lived in the big apple for seven years and visited different coffee shops on the regular. After reading these details on the website we definitely had to give it a try. The coffee comes in a 750ml bottle with a simple chic design. The roast for coffee is a sweet chocolate roast that has a smooth finish to it. The shipping wasn't free but super quick which was a plus. The package also included some adorable stickers and instructions on how to drink the brew. This was a huge plus since not all coffee drinkers are sure how to whip up a cold brew at home. So we filled a glass with ice and poured a cup. The smell is delicious right as we pour it. It states this cold brew is made in small batches weekly to give customers as fresh cups as possible which proved true with our first taste. The chocolate flavor come through nicely and finish is sweet with the smooth roast just as the website describes. We always try our coffee sans sugar or cream first. After we tried it with creamer iced it was a wonderful afternoon pick me up. We'll definitely be drinking more cold cups on our back porch this summer from this roaster.

Cup Meter 4/5 Cups:

(the cup meter is a 5 cup rating system we've created to judge our joe)


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