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Hot Cocoa

Mr. Napkin Head Not Included


(2) 1 1/2 tsp of HERSHEY'S Cocoa, Williams Sonoma Hot Chocolate Blends or Cocoa Power of any kind really. Keep separated.

2 Cups of Milk separated

Marshmallows of any kind and however many you want!


Take1 1/2 tsp of cocoa power or hot chocolate mixture and place in a mug or cup

Add 1/4th of a cup of warm or whipped milk stirring until completely mixed

Add remaining 3/4's of a cup or until the cup or mug is filled (leaving room for the marshmallows if you plan on adding any)

Add marshmallows and enjoy!

If there's anything the cold winter months brings it's hot drinks in abundance. As a child our memories include coming inside after spending hours playing in the snow to a warm cup of hot cocoa. It's pretty rudimentary but who can't resist a good hot cocoa recipe? This makes 2 cups but can be ideally made for multiple cups quickly. It's good to note many Hot Cocoa or Hot Chocolate recipes add water which we're not fans of, if this is a bit thick for you adding water can thin the recipe down. Our marshmallows came from Williams Sonoma but Target or any grocery store should have marshmallows in stock down the baking isle.


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