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Doctor's Orders - Vanilla Hazelnut

Coffee Over Cardio

We're marketing suckers. We know, you make it pretty, we'll buy it. It's something we've had to face head on in the Instagram world. First up Coffee Over Cardio coffee's packaging is beyond cute. Each has it's own adorable packaging tailored to its name on the bag. Which of course had us going we need to try that asap cause if it's as good as it looks we'll be keeping it on our counter. The beans are sourced from South American with vague details but the truth lies in the taste. If you're a Starbucks fiend this blend is for you. So what does that mean? It's a very sweet flavored coffee blend. As the site says extracts are poured over the beans prior to the roasting process to really drive home the flavors.

We're huge on flavor however this was a bit strong on the vanilla side we concluded. The hazelnut was good with the vanilla however it seemed to be a war with which flavor tops the other. We'd be a bit happy with either a vanilla or just a hazelnut to really shine in our cup of joe. If you're into strong flavored coffee this brand really shines through and we say give it a go. Sans creamer it's fabulous, if you're looking for a milker cup we suggest skipping any flavored creamer. It pairs perfect with a unflavored creamer if you're looking to lighten your cup. The only downside is they don't offer samples at this time which we're all about a sample pack to get to know a companies blend better. Adorably drinkable with a strong flavor is how we'd describe this brew. It's just what the doctor's ordered!

Cup Meter 3/5 Cups:

(the cup meter is a 5 cup rating system we've created to judge our joe)


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