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Bonfire Night

Light Your Pyres

We find a hard time ranking our love for our holiday's because each offers something unique in the mix when celebrated. However Halloween is closely followed by a serious love of Bonfire Night in ours. I apologize to our non British readers if you're very puzzled right now on what holiday we're covering in this post but you weren't alone.

For those of you aren't aware we lived in London England for 4 years during University which is where we learned of Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Day or Fireworks Night). How is a non-American holiday one of your favorites if you're stateside now though? Well let me explain. Starting as a failed plot, the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was attempted by English Catholics to assassinate the Protestant King James I of England and VI of Scotland and replace him with a Catholic head of state. A gentleman was discovered, caught guarding a cache of explosives placed beneath the House of Lords in London who was Guy Fawkes. The plot failure was celebrated with bonfires per allowed by the King and thus began Bonfire Night. Of course there's years of history in-between well worth digging into that I wont bore some of readers with. If you're a history buff I'd encourage some serious reading on the subject as it follows into the United States known as Pope Day that died out in popularity due to the American Revolution. The religious entanglements, political aspects and mischief all add to the historical intrigue of the holiday that we're enthralled by.

Modern day Guy Fawkes is more of a small family affair. Celebrated at home with bonfires and fall treats everyone can sink their teeth into. Salted caramel cakes and sticky toffee pudding are now one of the nights highlights. We'll be posting our bonfire night treats worth sinking your teeth into soon in our bakery. We hope you enjoy lighting a fire on Nov 5 or later and have a few drinks to commemorate a failed moment in history that's uniquely British.


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